Frequently Asked Questions

The shop must be at least 150 square feet in size. However, a room of at least 200 square feet would be preferable.

The franchise price for one unit is Rs. 2,50,000 plus GST. It covers the brand charge, marketing fee, starting stock, and the cost of all equipment, including the display cabin, refrigerator, deep freezer, high-pressure gas burner, fruit mixer, tea utensils, and tea powder.

There is no return for the franchise fee.

Among other things, the franchisee (investor) is in charge of interior design, painting, and furnishings (approximate costs vary from Rs. 60,000 to Rs. 80,000). If the business is rented, there will also be an additional fee for the security deposit.

Yes. They are all branded items with warranties.

The five-year term of the franchise deal. You can extend the contract for an additional five years by paying 10% of the franchise price.

All of the essential components will be provided by the brand. The franchisee must, however, purchase some products locally.

With the brand's permission, the franchisee may continue to sell regional snacks at the business. The franchisee has the option of making the snacks or purchasing them from reputable snack suppliers. Snack quality should not be compromised.

The Mr. CHAI store is only permitted to sell goods from its own menu. With the brand's explicit consent, a few particular beverages may be included, taking into account regional flavours and requests. No further types of tea may be added.

"No However, the company gives your chosen personnel training. To manage the business, you need at least 2-3 employees. There is no requirement for prior hotel industry experience for these employees. The items at Mr. CHAI are all made following a formula, which explains why. Mr. CHAI's preparatory techniques may be learned in 3 days of instruction.

There are two ways.

Any one of our chosen stores in your neighbourhood is available for your workers to visit. The expense of your staff's travel, lodging, and meals must be covered by you. However, the training at these places will be totally free.

Alternately, we may send one of our chefs to your store for 3–4 days of instruction at a cost of 5,000. Additionally, you will be responsible for covering the trainer's travel, subsistence, and lodging costs. You may choose between receiving paid instruction by one of our chefs at your business or receiving free training at any of our chosen sites.

The daily sales at Mr. CHAI locations range from 5,000 to 20,000 rupees. However, a regular sale of 10,000 or more may be anticipated on average. The location of the store and the manner in which you treat clients are the main determinants of daily sales.

Yes, the required distance is determined by the locality and the amount of business in the region. We won't set up shop where it will interfere with your business.

The investor is required to provide at least 30% of the franchise fee as confirmation. The investor will get a payment confirmation for this amount, which will be the subject of a Letter of Intent (LOI). You have 10 days to make the final payment once you sign the letter of intent. The agreement will be executed once the last and final payment has been made. The company will provide all the materials, including the starter kit, within 10 days after receiving full and complete payment. The franchisee must inform the brand at least 10 days before the opening of the store in order for the brand to ensure the chef's availability for the training.

Daily, weekly, and monthly sales reports must be sent to the brand through WhatsApp by the franchisee.